Vivek 是香港土生土長的棟篤笑藝人,擅以英語及粵語演出。他是 2007 年全港中文楝篤笑大賽冠軍人馬,於 2008年更贏得全港英文楝篤笑大賽冠軍殊榮。Vivek 曾於亞洲多處演出,包括中國大陸、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞、曼谷、斯里蘭卡及印度等。楝篤笑表演以外,他亦曾擔任香港電台電視節目《香港故事》主持人及於電影《家有囍事 2009》中演出一角。多才多藝的Vivek更是一位自僱網頁設計師和本地重金屬樂隊Eve of Sin 的鼓手。他最愛閱讀《孫子兵法》,而令人更難以置信的是,他最愛的顏色是鮮粉紅色。
Vivek is a Hong Kong-bred bilingual stand-up comedian performing in both Cantonese and English. Having been crowned the Funniest Person (in Chinese) in Hong Kong in 2007 followed by his victory in the English category at the Hong Kong International Comedy Competition in 2008, Vivek has had the opportunity to take his sense of humor all over Asia including Hong Kong, China, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Manila, Bangkok, Sri Lanka and India. Having been ranked as the top comedian in Hong Kong, in 2014, the World Famous Laugh Factory in USA ranked Vivek as one of the top 10 comedians in their Annual Funniest Person in the World Competition. In 2015, he was handpicked as one of the comedians to represent Asia's best in Melbourne Comedy Festival's inaugural "Comedy Zone Asia" shows. One of Vivek's passions is reading and his favorite book is Sun Tzu's Art of War. Oddly, his favorite color is hot pink.